Stunning & brave

The Woman King is the remar­kab­le sto­ry of the Ago­jie, the all-fema­le unit of war­ri­ors who pro­tec­ted the Afri­can King­dom of Daho­mey in the 1800s with skills and a fier­cen­ess unli­ke any­thing the world has ever seen. Inspi­red by true events, The Woman King fol­lows the emo­tio­nal­ly epic jour­ney of Gene­ral Nanis­ca (Oscar®-winner Vio­la Davis) as she trains the next gene­ra­ti­on of recruits and rea­dies them for batt­le against an ene­my deter­mi­ned to des­troy their way of life. Some things are worth fight­ing for….

Rot­ten Tomatoes

Both dome­stic slavery and the Atlan­tic slave trade were important to the eco­no­my of Daho­mey. Men, women, and child­ren cap­tu­red by Daho­mey in wars and slave raids were sold to Euro­pean slave trad­ers in exch­an­ge for various goods such as rif­les, gun­pow­der, tex­ti­les, cowry shells, and alco­hol. …
Other war cap­ti­ves who were not inten­ded to be sold to Euro­peans remain­ed in Daho­mey as slaves. The­re, they work­ed on roy­al plan­ta­ti­ons that sup­pli­ed food for the army and roy­al court, and they were reser­ved for human sacri­fice in the Annu­al Cus­toms of Dahomey.


His­to­ri­cal­ly, Daho­mey was a king­dom that con­que­r­ed other Afri­can sta­tes and ens­laved their citi­zens to sell in the Atlan­tic slave trade, and most of the kingdom’s wealth was deri­ved from slavery. The Ago­jie had a histo­ry of par­ti­ci­pa­ting in slave rai­ding, and that slavery in Daho­mey per­sis­ted after the Bri­tish Empire stop­ped Daho­mey from con­ti­nuing in the Atlan­tic slave trade.

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